Video Scanning
Chimney Video Scanning
Since our beginning, it has become apparent that chimneys cannot be adequately inspected from either the top or the bottom of the chimney. And even though we have offered video scanning for many, with recent improvements in the video scanning equipment, we feel that scanning is no longer an optional part of chimney cleaning, but an integral, necessary part, providing a complete service to our customers. We at Sootslayer Chimney Sweeps have incorporated chimney video scanning into our regular cleanings at no additional cost to you, our customer. You will be able to see, first-hand, the condition of the entire interior of your chimney. Check out the video below. With the advent of the higher efficiency gas and oil furnaces, it becomes advantageous to periodically scan these chimneys as well to catch any deterioration of the lining system prior to possible exterior evidence and problems.
Sootslayer Chimney Sweeps has always tried to provide the most thorough, professional job possible in our field. We feel that the video scanning of each chimney will not only allow you to personally participate in the inspection of your chimney but will also allow us to find any hidden problems previously undetectable. This scanning also gives us a baseline to evaluate your system when we return for future maintenance of your chimney system. Remember, this additional service of video scanning the chimney is of no additional cost to you. It is now included in our normal chimney cleaning prices.
Email Kyle or give him a call at (814) 359-2634 for more information.