Gas Fireplaces We Carry At Pennwood
Ambiance makes a line of fireplaces and inserts that offer traditional and modern looks. They have many different interiors and stylish front options to compliment any design style.
Mendota manufactures some of the most efficient fireplaces and gas inserts on the market. They are built with heavy steel and welded fire boxes. The Mendota line is customizable with all the different log, interior and front options which sets them apart.
Heat N Glo
Heat N Glo has the largest offering of the fireplace lines that we offer. They make small units to fit in tight spaces to units that are up to 6' long. There are numerous traditional styles and many modern designs to fit any style.
Fireplace X
The Fireplace Xtrordinair fireplaces and inserts come in many different sizes and designs. They offer high efficiency models with many different interiors and fronts to choose from. The logs and flames are spectacular.
Town & Country
Town & Country fireplaces are a premier line of fireplaces that are designed for a beautiful fire and very clean lines. They offer models with massive viewing areas in many sizes.
Heatilator is the number 1 brand among builders. They have been around since 1927 and offer the largest selection of fireplaces that are built with quality, many designs and at a great value.
DaVinci Fireplaces is a custom line of fireplaces. They will have some of the most spectacular clean designs of any fireplaces with many sizes to fit any design idea.
The Valor fireplace line is a unique line of high-quality fireplaces with modern and old-world design but utilizing modern technology. They offer designer models along with simple clean features to fit many lifestyles.
Solas fireplaces and freestanding gas stoves. They have models that can be wall mounted on existing walls or built into a wall in many different sizes.